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Tuesday 7 February 2017

2017 : Aku Kini Kembali

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Hai guys .. Its been a long time since my last post ya .. hahhaha . I'm sorry, my final exam just ended recently. Its been a tough year for me.. Chemical Engineering is very challenging for me.. My first thought about this course is silly and its nothing. Since my senior also said that it is tough course . So, no playtime for me . No update blog and whatsoever.. hahhaha. 😂

Let me continue my writing using malay and english language.. hahhaah .. Since i got into university's life, my roommate, facilities, and everything are good indeed eventhough its a cheaper university ... Okay first , let me tell you about my progress..😛

I have nothing to said. i'm just ordinary boy. my life just like you all and nothing much different.. Ohhh ya, my groupmate .. Since my class have 24 pupils, so, we are distribute to 6 group. each group 4 members .. My groupmate are very very friendly . One of them, is my matric's mate . Sama kuliah. Sama kelab. Its easy for me to mingle around and do assignment with them.😎

Second, my roommate . Yes my roommate. All of them are peninsular except one from sabah, tamparuli. They also being friendly to me its undeniable.. 
Diorang ni, kalau bab movie, makan, xyah cakap .. Thats a good memories for me. Its only , one semester with them. Next semester , dapat bilik dngan orang lain dah ..😪

Bak kata orang tua,

"Kawan biar beribu, musuh biar satu" 

kan ? 😇

Okay la . Setakat ni je dlu ..Dah letih menaip .. And now, i'm still editing my blog. Its on reconstruction. So, please be notice if something unfamilliar happen ..😀

wait for my new interface blog .. 😆

ouhh lupa nak cakap SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2017 😻

till we meet again guys. bye :)  


  1. Welcome back Shahril! hehe. salam singgah dari arepnakbebel.com!

  2. Hai Shahril... Cikla bls singgah...

    Course chemical eng. mmg tough.. sama mcm Cikla dulu... but alhamdullilah... settle jugak 4 year kt ukm... hehe...

    1. ouhh . alhamdulillah . trima kasih sbb singgah balik. huhuhu

  3. Dh follow jugak.. keep in touch k..

  4. done follow you XD and good luck utk result nanti :) ahahahhaa XD
    Selamat Tahun Baru, Selamat Tahun Baru Cina gak :)

    1. thnks .. lets keep in touch . have a nice day :) InsyaAllah . Aamiin . HCNY jgk ..

  5. Selamat maju jaya.

    Datang singgah balas, follow sini, dan tengoklah bloglist sidebar Blog Mayy Jie, dah masukkan :D

    Keep in touch!

    1. trima kasih mayy jie.. ok . do keep in touch yaa.

  6. Kak Ana singgah balas kunjungan. Dah tengok juga bloglist tu. Thanks so much. Nanti kak Ana letak blog awak juga ye dekat bloglist kak ana. Tgh dalam construction jugak blog tu. Hehe.
    By the way selamat cuti sem dan semoga dpt result yang baik insyaAllah. Do keep in touch.

    1. trima kasih kak ana .. nnti aril balas balik kunjungan tu.. tima kasih jgk utk doa tu .. ok . do keep in touch yaa ..

  7. Singgah kembali... hehe.. Thanks for the bloglist featured.. And salam kenal from me.. :3

    1. ok thnks yaa.. salam kenal jgk .. :p nnti aril singgah lg blog flav

  8. Good luck, and all the best! :)

  9. Salam kenal dari sis.. keep writing, sis tunggu utk baca

  10. welcome back hehhehe :) to be honest, chemical engineering sounds creepy for me T-T

    1. hahhaha . thnks anyway .. is it right ? tapi tempuhi la aril dngan seadanya ..

  11. welcome back. lepas nie rajin2 la blogging :D

    1. trima kasih BV :) insyaAllah rajin lepas ni . hehehhee

  12. Welcome back..semoga lps ni lbh aktif dalam dunia blogging ya aril..


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